Admission Day-What to Bring/What Not to Bring
There is a lot to think about on admission day. Here's what to bring, what not to bring and optional items.
What To Bring
Current Prescription Medications in original bottle
Over the counter medications, vitamins, supplements which have been approved by primary doctor or treating physician. Over the Counter medications not approved will not be allowed. Containers must arrive sealed
Comfortable, wash and wear, casual clothing
Cell phone
Jacket and/or sweater
Workout clothing
Swimwear (board short style-no bikini style)
Comfortable walking shoes, flat soled or athletic sneakers, boots or sturdy heeled shoes for some activities
Personal hygiene items such as toothpaste, deodorant, hair products, etc.
Health Insurance Card
Driver's License or other photo ID
Copy of tuberculosis test results. Any test over one year old will not be accepted. Please discuss testing options with primary care physician
Pharmacy Card
Reading Material related to recovery, therapy, personal growth or spirituality
Optional Items to Bring
Cash, ATM or credit cards, check book
Personal radio/cassette/CD player, iPod or MP3 player WITH HEADPHONES
Cigarettes or other tobacco products which can be used in designated areas at designated times
Musical Instrument(s)
Welcome to AVR
We hope that we have made this easy, and welcome you to our facility.
What NOT to Bring
Clothing depicting or advertising alcohol, drugs, sex, violence or gambling(Program reserves right to disaapprove inappropriate clothing not listed here)
Other clothing items prohibited: sexually suggestive or revealing clothing
Laptops (Computers are available)
Cameras, video recording devices, video game consoles
Aerosol products or products containing alcohol such as hand sanitizer, mouthwash, cologne, aftershave, etc.
Loose medications of any kind not in original container
Straight razors, pocket knives or weapons of any kind
Food or beverages of any kind
Illegal substances of any kind
Check In
During the admission process, your personal items will be searched and inventoried. If you did mistakenly bring something not allowed, we will send it home or in some rare circumstances store it until it can be picked up. Additionally, arriving intoxicated or under the influence will forfeit program acceptance.
If we didn't cover something you want to bring, give us a call and we'll be glad to help you out! 925-372-6000